3 Lessons I learned from almost going down the wrong path in my business

3 Lessons I Learned from Almost Going Down the Wrong Path in My Business

business life Mar 19, 2021

If you’ve been in The Daring Fempreneur community for the past few months, you know that since August 2020 when I last opened the doors to the Impact Tribe, I’ve been telling you that the Impact Tribe would be transitioning into a group program in 2021. 

And this was still my plan, literally until earlier this month.

However, what I may not have told you, is that also since last August, I’ve been dealing with some hormonal health challenges that have brought me to my knees many times.

Actually, these health challenges aren’t new to me - I’ve been dealing with this since I was 12 and I’ve found various levels of relief over the years (from many different modalities) … and especially lots of relief in the past 3 years from a Functional Medicine doctor I’ve been working with. 

But there’s been a shift in my body over this past year which has led to debilitating migraines for days at a time, as well as sometimes up to 3 weeks at a time where I feel so fatigued that I can barely do the minimum to keep my life and business afloat.

This is vulnerable for me to share, but I see our community as family, and I want you to know what’s been going on.

I also want you to know how this relates to our Impact Tribe membership moving forward …

Like I mentioned, until earlier this month, I’d been planning on rolling out the new group program in April that I’ve been mentioning over the past few months (and creating content for over the past year).

I’d finished the program outline and mapped out our group coaching sessions and events for the next year. This was going to be a year-long, high-level group coaching program at a much higher price-point than the Impact Tribe. 

But as I looked at the program which I had mapped out on my wall … something in my body was telling me a big NO. 

At first I resisted this message and kept trying to push forward - I had in my head that creating and launching this program was THE WAY I had to move forward in 2021.

Plus I didn’t want to let you down or seem “out of integrity” for promising one thing and doing another.

But when I stopped and sat with what was coming up, I heard my body loud and clear. The message was: DON’T PUSH. 

And the thought of going through the stress of a traditional webinar or FB group challenge to launch a group program (which I’ve done in the past and it can be exhausting), was sending me all kinds of red flags.

I value simplicity and spaciousness to enjoy my life and be present with my clients and community, and the path I was about to go down just didn’t align with these values. 

We have such an incredible community in the Impact Tribe and on top of my body screaming NO to my group program, my heart was also breaking at the thought of losing some of our members due to the new group coaching model.

So here’s what I decided: instead of putting all of my energy into creating, launching and leading a group program, I’ve decided to shift my energy to GROWING our Impact Tribe and making it THE BEST membership program on the market.

I feel incredibly inspired and aligned with this decision - like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I’m so excited to be able to continue this journey with you.

3 lessons I learned from almost going down the wrong path in my business:

1. Stop overcomplicating your business

As entrepreneurs it can be easy to jump from one idea to the next before we give what we’re already working on NOW the time to develop into something beautiful. 

Think of how great we could make our offerings and services if we stayed FOCUSED instead of constantly changing directions. 

Changing directions was exactly what I was about to do with my new group program. And because I was thinking about changing directions all last year, I wasn’t putting the love and attention into what I already had that could have made it truly GREAT. 

Don’t get me wrong - the Impact Tribe is freakin’ great, but I have high standards and it could be even better!

Question for you: what do you have in your business right now, that if you just gave it the focused love and attention it deserves, you could grow it into something truly amazing?

We can be so impatient as entrepreneurs - always looking for the next best thing, when the next best thing might be right under your nose!

2. Do what’s right for YOU

There are so many “gurus” out there telling us we have to do things a certain way: 

  • We HAVE to do live launches because that’s where the money is. 
  • We HAVE to create 1:1 programs or at least programs with more hands-on support because the market is saturated with superficial courses that don’t offer the support people really need to be successful. 
  • We HAVE to offer hands-off courses and memberships because that’s the only way to create leveraged income and financial freedom. 
  • We HAVE to do evergreen webinars VS live webinars because evergreen webinars bring in money while you sleep and live webinars will burn you out.

Do you hear how many contradictions there are in these messages?

The truth is - there’s truth in ALL of these messages. 

There’s pros and cons to each approach and at the end of the day, you’re the leader of your business and need to choose the path that’s best for YOU. 

Because if you’re pursuing a path that someone else told you is THE WAY, but you’re burned out and miserable in the process - what are you even doing this for? 

You started your business to support the life that YOU want to lead, so you need to design your business around that (not around the business model someone else created to support the life THEY want to lead).

3. Vulnerability creates connection

This is a lesson that I constantly have to keep learning. It’s not always easy for me to admit when I’m struggling or need to change direction, because the Hero archetype in me wants to appear strong and put together.

But sharing this experience openly with our Impact Tribe members earlier this month showed me how when we dare to open up, we can be met with so much love, support and understanding. 

Not only that - we can be met with gratitude! I’ve been showered with gratitude by members messaging me saying how grateful they are that I was willing to listen to my body and follow the path I know is right for me, instead of pushing and forcing until I compromised my health. 

We need more female role models who share the real side of business, who listen to their bodies and intuition and who make empowered choices based on what’s true for them. 

And although I didn’t realize that’s what I was being at the time, I’m glad I can be here to set this example:-) And if you have a similar experience, I hope this shows you a new way ... a better way ... because the “hustle” culture that’s so prevalent in our industry is not sustainable.  

So that’s my story and the lessons I’ve learned, and I’m excited to share that the Impact Tribe doors are finally open again through next Friday, March 26th! 

If you'd like to join us, we’d LOVE to welcome you!

The Impact Tribe is for you if you...

  • Never want feel alone again as you navigate your fempreneur journey - you’ll have a tribe of soul sisters on a similar path to encourage you to be more daring, and support and uplift you through the inevitable challenges of being an entrepreneur.
  • Want to stop throwing spaghetti at the wall creating programs, Facebook groups, lead magnets, social media content, website copy, webinars or anything else you're not sure if anyone will actually be interested in or want to buy. You’ll be able to bounce ideas and projects off powerful, purpose-driven women in the know.
  • Want to receive exclusive access, training and coaching from me. I’ve been a successful entrepreneur for over 10 years and my private clients pay me many thousands of dollars to work together. In the Impact Tribe, you receive access to my growing library of courses and training plus you receive personalized support, feedback and guidance on your business (directly from me!).

Here’s what's included:

  • Monthly, 90-min Impact Circles (on Zoom) - receive focused feedback on your business, feel supported by fempreneurs on a similar path and be held accountable to your goals. 
  • Monthly, 60-min Laser Coaching Sessions (on Zoom) -Join me for personalized coaching on the burning questions you need answered to move forward in your biz with confidence. 
  • Course Library - Grow your biz with immediate access to courses ranging from business to branding to marketing and more. Specifically, you'll receive access to my signature branding process plus courses on how to:
    • Multiply your income with a signature program.
    • Pinpoint your niche and ideal client.
    • Master your message so the right clients find you.
    • Write client-attracting Home, About and Program page copy.
    • Build your brand with the power of color psychology.
    • Plan your content calendar with a lot less overwhelm.
    • Write an unforgettable tagline for your service-based biz.
    • Build trust with your brand story.
  • Facebook group -Tag me anytime for a personal response to any of the course content you’re working through (or anything else!). Plus receive feedback on your projects between meetings from other members who care as much about your success as you do.
  • Resource Vault -  Save hundreds of hours with our growing Resource Vault of key templates, scripts, checklists and forms you need to get started fast! 
  • Visibility Bonus - You wouldn't believe the synergies that occur... from leads, to power partners to clients... when you get the chance to boldly share your business in front of a Zoom room of 25-50+ fempreneurs at our monthly Dare to Connect events!

The best part? 

You get all of this for only $79/month and you’ll be “grandmothered” in, so the price will never increase as long as you’re an active member.

Ready to get started? Doors are open through Friday, March 26th.


We can’t wait to welcome you!



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