Meet January's Daring Member of the Month: Lisi Kempton

daring member of the month Jan 07, 2022

Each month, we select one of our Impact Tribe members to be our “Daring Member of the Month”... and to help you start 2022 on the right path, I thought who better than our very own Business Growth Coach, Lisi Kempton, founder of Soul Tree Operations! 

Today, Lisi and I will be discussing the essential components to mindfully building a business that scales to 6 or 7-figures. We’ll be talking about things like:

  • What many people think business expansion is
  • How that belief could jeopardize the long-term success of your business
  • What successful business expansion actually entails
  • Her 5-step Expanding Entrepreneur Framework

Meet Lisi Kempton

Lisi Kempton is a business growth coach on a mission to help purpose-driven entrepreneurs expand their reach, impact and profits by building a team and laying the foundations for scalable, sustainable business expansion into 6 and 7 figures.

Her approach to business growth stems from her background in Silicon Valley startups, where she helped fast-growing tech companies create standards, procedures, and sales and marketing strategies that allowed them to scale successfully.

When she left corporate, she took her skills to entrepreneurs as a Fractional COO, where she focused on building solid business foundations to help her clients expand. In doing so, she discovered the missing pieces many entrepreneurs get wrong, developing a unique framework for success. As Lisi says, “you can’t scale your business until you build a business that scales.”

Lisi is passionate about personal growth, health and wellness, and spiritual connection, taking a mindful, intentional approach to business growth that resonates with her clients, while giving them the structures they need to grow with ease.

Q: How did you get started in your business?

Lisi was working in Silicon Valley, gaining experience wearing many hats with multiple different startups for over a decade. When she decided to leave the corporate world behind, she discovered that the expertise she gained from her in-depth experience with startups allowed her to support entrepreneurs in a unique way that was incredibly beneficial to them and their businesses. 

Working with a few entrepreneurs, then a few more, and then a few more made her realize that she truly enjoyed working with them and helping them succeed in their businesses. However, as she worked with more and more 7-figure entrepreneurs, she also realized that there was a lot of structural and foundational work that needs to be done before you can scale to 7-figures and beyond – and she realized that if she was truly going to be able to help them scale further, there was a lot of work that needed to be done on the structures of their businesses. 

Q: What’s the biggest challenge you see entrepreneurs facing? 

It took Lisi a few years to recognize a pattern that she kept seeing in her clients’ businesses that consistently needed to be fixed. The first part of her “Expanding Entrepreneur Framework,” which she uses to help clients scale, is all about focusing on yourself, and being the best version of yourself so you can scale your business successfully – after all, you’re the one doing the work in your business. 

Over and over again, she saw endless burnout as entrepreneurs continued to do things that were uninspiring and unfulfilling, that they instead should be outsourcing. Creating the space to learn about your personal operating system and what you need to succeed allows you to build a solid foundation for yourself, so that you can build the solid foundation you need for your business. 

The biggest challenge she sees entrepreneurs facing is not taking care of themselves. You can’t scale a business when you’re burnt out, so focusing on yourself first is crucial to your long-term business success and scalability. 

Q: How do we solve these problems?

To answer this question, Lisi is breaking down the rest of her Expanding Entrepreneur Framework.  

After focusing on yourself and becoming the best version of yourself, the next phase of her framework is about making informed, competent decisions about your business. Within her framework, there are multiple lessons within this phase – but one of the main highlights is reviewing your financial and legal aspects, and learning how to protect yourself. One of the main reasons businesses fail, across the board, is a lack of financial management. So, through her framework, Lisi helps her clients build a solid financial foundation and understanding. 

The next step is strategy. Rather than running your business from your email inbox, it’s important to build a strategic plan that encompasses what you want to do, and details how you are going to accomplish your goals. Incorporating systems and strategy into your business gives you the ability and the space to scale beyond where you are. Not only that, but measuring success towards your goals is essential to tracking your progress and making sure you’re actually accomplishing what you set out to do. 

After your self, sums, and strategies are put into place, the next step is structure. Once you start to scale and expand your business, you need to take a look at your operational infrastructure, tools, and team members and intentionally create a structure that makes it possible to expand. Once you build this infrastructure, you have to then make sure that it can continue to expand successfully and that you can maintain operational excellence as your business grows. 

The final element of her framework is finding the support you need to make your entrepreneurship journey a little bit easier. After spending some time trying to go it alone, Lisi recognized that growing your business is much easier when you have the support of a community of like-minded people with similar vision and values as yourself. 

Q: Who do you specifically work with?

Lisi makes a point that her framework can work for any business.  

She started out working with 7-figure entrepreneurs by helping them fix large-scale, existing problems in their businesses. After a while, she realized that what would be more effective is moving to a position where she can help entrepreneurs ensure operational excellence before they get to the 7-figure mark, when it’s much easier to fix the problems your business is facing. 

Now, she specializes in working with ambitious, purpose-driven, service-based female entrepreneurs who are making 5-figures and really want to expand their impact in the world through their business. If you have a big vision for your business and want to change the world, then Lisi wants to support you in your vision. 

Q: What is business expansion, and what does successful business expansion actually entail? 

Through her experience working with clients, one of the main things Lisi was hearing about business expansion is that everyone wants to generate more leads and get more sales. However, something we don’t focus on is what happens after we get more leads and customers into our business – you need to ensure you have the capability to scale other parts of your business to accommodate more leads and clients. 

In her program, what she focuses on first is building a solid foundation so that you can ensure your business is scaling to the level you want it to without losing any of your brilliance. Only after you set up your foundations should you focus on lead generation and expanding your client base. 

Lisi also mentions how important it is to revisit your brand yearly, and as you’re going through a shift or growth in your business – it’s crucial to make sure that your brand still accurately reflects who you are and what your mission is at the current stage of your business. 

Q: What does it mean to you to be daring?

What first came to her heart when hearing this question is not giving up. Being daring is persevering through the hard times, through the limiting beliefs, through challenges and expansions, and continuing to work towards your goals. 

Something I so deeply appreciate about Lisi is that she’s not only focused on growth and perseverance, but through her business she also shines an ever-important focus on doing what feels right to you, and taking care of yourself as an entrepreneur. 

Q: What are you most excited about in your business right now?

Lisi is not only launching a new website, she’s also publishing her second book, “The Expanding Entrepreneur,” and releasing a corresponding program, The Expanding Entrepreneur Academy. 

You can learn more about Lisi’s work and business, and get in touch with her at this link. 

If you want to join Lisi and other amazing members in the Impact Tribe, we would love to have you! When you join the Impact Tribe, you get access to a library of biz-booming courses, next-level coaching, and an inspiring, uplifting community of women on a similar path as you. Learn more and join us today at this link. 


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