Style Your Way to Super Success: Speak powerfully, own the room, and be a magnet for opportunities

daring member of the month Dec 02, 2022

Please join us in celebrating December's Daring Member of the Month, Image Consultant, Dana Lynch! 

Ever since Dana joined the Impact Tribe last spring we’ve grown to love her enthusiasm, colorful spirit and commitment to doing what it takes to grow her business. She shows up to our calls daring to ask the important questions that will take her business to the next level and with great ideas and support for other members. 

Today, Dana and I will be discussing:

  • The # 1 mistake that most professional women make in their closets that keeps them from the look that will skyrocket their success.
  • The essential mindset shift that will help you take your look to the next level and leave the house every day knowing you look fabulous!
  • The powerful strategy you need to follow to make sure every outfit you wear is authentic, comfortable and spectacular.

Meet Dana Lynch

Dana Lynch, AICI FLC, helps take the stress out of getting dressed! Specializing in professional dress, she has worked with attorneys, mortgage brokers, real estate agents, CPA’s, financial planners, and countless other professionals.

In addition to advising individuals, Dana is a sought after speaker. A few of her clients include Hensel Phelps Construction, New York Life, Xcel Energy, Deloitte US, the Society of Women Engineers, and Gibson Dunn. Her passionate, approachable speaking style motivates and empowers women to take charge of their wardrobes, dressing professionally in their own personal style.

Along with her chapter in the book Image Power, Dana has authored numerous articles and countless blog posts on professional image and fashion. She’s been quoted as an expert in the Wall Street Journal and was profiled by Colorado Expression Magazine as a top Colorado image consultant.

When she’s not shopping, Dana enjoys skiing, traveling, hanging out with her husband Kelly and pup Myka…and wine!

Q: How did you get started in your business?

Dana recalls her start in image consulting stemming from her life-long love of clothes, originally inspired by watching Diana Ross on TV. She has been interested in fashion since a young age, and always knew she wanted to work in the fashion industry. Her favorite part of working in retail management was putting together outfits for women that made their eyes light up and made them look and feel incredible. 

When she heard about image consulting, she immediately knew that was what she wanted to do! Through her work, she strives to help the women she works with feel confident and love the way they show up in their clothes. 

Q: Who do you work with, and what’s the biggest challenge you help them overcome? 

Dana primarily works with professional women like entrepreneurs, attorneys, realtors, and any other woman who wants to dress the part she already plays. One of her clients’ main concerns when they come to her is that they don’t like shopping, and don’t know what looks good on them or what to look for. They would rather spend their time with family or enjoying hobbies (and look good and feel confident while doing those things), rather than struggling to shop.

She finds a lot of clients telling her they want fewer clothes so there’s less decision fatigue, and they just want to easily and comfortably get dressed in the morning. 

Q: What are some tips you have for anyone who may be struggling to find the right clothes for them?

One of the most important things is knowing your body type – which can be more complicated than you may originally think. The different body types include hourglass, inverted triangle, triangle/pear, straight/ruler, and oval. To help know which shape your body is, Dana offers a virtual body shape guide service – from there, she determines your body shape which can guide you in the right direction when it comes to creating your wardrobe. 

Another one of her main focuses is vertical balance – your height from shoulders to waist, vs. height from waist to floor. She also shares with us the quick trick for making your legs look longer – wear high waisted pants, or stick to skirts and dresses. 

A general guideline to know if your clothes fit is, when you try on an item of clothing and see horizontal lines/wrinkles, the item is too small. Whereas when you see vertical lines/wrinkles, the item is too big. There are also diagonal wrinkles that indicate the item may not fit your body type. 

Q: What would you say is the biggest mistake women make that keeps them from the look they want?

Dana shares that fit is usually the biggest mistake. Buying clothes that fit you well will make the biggest difference when it comes to what you’re wearing. Another common mistake she sees is just wearing something that feels “safe” instead of trying something new. 

Q: How do we get more daring with the clothes we choose?

Dana recommends going into your closet and making some quick notes about what colors you get compliments on, what you feel good in when you get dressed, and what you don’t feel good in. From there, it’s about taking a little bit of a risk! 

Instead of putting on just a black jacket and white blouse, try picking a different color jacket or different shaped pants. Especially if you’re going in for just another work day, don’t be afraid to experiment with what feels good and what makes you feel more confident. Trust that what you put together is great, then build from that! 

Q: Where does mindset come in?

In Colorado, where Dana lives, there tends to be a belief that everything is casual. Dana finds that businesswomen feel the need to dress down to be on the same par as their clients, or fit the tone of the group. But, this just ends up doing you a disservice. A lot of image work is subconscious – when you don’t look like you’ve put effort into your look, it can come across that you don’t care as much in the back of your clients’ minds. Now, you don’t have to go from extra casual to heels and a suit, you can easily dress up a look by adding a jacket or some jewelry. Jewelry is such an easy way to take any outfit to the next level. 

Q: For women who show up virtually or are preparing for brand photos, what should they avoid?

Dana recommends steering clear of contrasting stripes or checks that can appear to move on camera. For photoshoots, she recommends choosing pieces with color and some structure/fit like a jacket or more fitting shirt. 

A lot of women feel the need to hide in their clothes, but really you end up looking more put together and confident when you accentuate different parts of your body. 

Something you may be surprised to hear is that not everyone looks good in black. Unless you have very dark hair or a darker skin tone, wearing too much black could end up draining your appearance. 

Q: What does “daring” mean to you?

Daring, for Dana, is doing something you want to do even without knowing what the outcome will be. Dana classifies herself as a “rule-breaker,” especially when it comes to getting what she wants and making her visions come true. Being willing to break some rules and do your own thing, your own way, is her idea of daring. 

Q: What are you most excited about in your business right now?

Dana will soon be going on a speaking tour! She is going around to several industry groups and online presentations to help women show up confidently as their best selves and attract opportunities with ease through their presence. 

You can learn more about her work and programs on her website here.

Dana is also offering you access to her Shop Your Shape guide, which you can get at this link, as well as a complementary “Next Level Look” Strategy Session which you can sign up for here

If you want to join Dana and other amazing members in the Impact Tribe, we would love to have you! When you join the Impact Tribe, you get access to a library of biz-booming courses, next-level coaching, and an inspiring, uplifting community of women on a similar path as you. Learn more and join us today at this link.


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